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In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act. George Orwell
 What Pseudo-Christianity Won't Teach The Unread 

Protestantism & Catholicism


Catholic Church Organisation
Protestant Church Organisation

Note: the name ‘Catholic’ has been stolen from the true Christians by the Roman Catholics and the Catholic-Protestants.

Consisting of various denominations: Roman- and Protestant-Catholics: the latter reject the Bishop of Rome’s (the Pope) leadership claim.

These churches mix the Gospel of Jesus with their own doctrines and often overwrite the Gospel with their own inventions. Therefore I have classified their transgressions as follows:
Destructive:  to follow this practice will condemn an individual.
False: to follow this practice perhaps renders an individual foolish and short of Gospel knowledge, but it will not condemn a practitioner.
Condemnation meaning: you shall burn after your resurrection.

Note: the term ‘Protestant’ denotes ‘one opposing the Roman and Catholic-Protestant’s fornications against God.

Consisting of various denominations: Christians & Impostors. Rejecting the Bishop of Rome’s (the Pope) leadership claim.

These churches mix the Gospel of Jesus with their own doctrines and often overwrite the Gospel with their own inventions. Therefore I have classified their transgressions as follows:
Destructive:  to follow this practice will condemn an individual.
False: to follow this practice perhaps renders an individual foolish and short of Gospel knowledge, but it will not condemn a practitioner.
Condemnation meaning: you shall burn after your resurrection.

(paying money to the Catholic Church or doing works, as a means to receive forgiveness of sins). Destructive: faith must be in Christ alone!
The Catholic Church teaches that indulgences relieve the temporal punishment resulting from the effect of sin. The Gospel does not mention any temporal punishment resulting from sin but, knowing the Romans, they are aware that people generally believe that when they do wrong, God will punish them! And so they invented ‘Indulgences’ as a means to enrich their treasury and to bind the unread to their pseudo-church. Today they have a modified explanation for this transgression, which yet fails to justify the fraud.
Due to Martin Luther, the Roman Catholics abolished Pecuniary indulgences in 1562.
Idolatry with Mary, Jesus’ mother:
Destructive: praying to Mary, worshipping Mary.Penance:
By this sacrament, Christians are supposedly freed from sins committed after Baptism.
Destructive: the Gospel tells us that, were it possible, we would be condemned if we would sin again after baptism, for there exists but one repentance and one baptism to the remission of sin: why would we otherwise receive this sacrament from God in the first place? Reed: rebirth is of incorruptible seed!

Confession to Priests:
Destructive: claiming to converse with God on behalf of the confessor to have their sins forgiven.  Any person claiming to be Christian yet doing this offends Jesus to such an extent that he is condemned. For Jesus tells you to put faith in him and to pray to him; and not through a priest. For through faith you are saved.  Moreover: how many fornicating child molesters could possibly communicate with God? Not one! Yet there are thousands of them in the priesthood of men.

Works-based salvation:
Destructive: works cannot save you!

Meaning: an intermediary state after physical death in which those destined for heaven undergo purification.
False:  nowhere in the Gospel is this recorded, nor anywhere in the Old Testament, so it could not even be a misunderstanding.

Calling Mary the mother of God: who then is his father of God?
False: a responsible church would not use this metaphor at all! Though Jesus is the son of God and Mary, she can never, not even metaphorically, be perceived as the mother of God!

Ascension of Mary and her perpetual virginity: teaching that Mary has been a virgin her whole life and that she ascended to heaven after she died.
False: the Gospel tells us that Jesus had brothers and sisters, and nowhere in the Gospel do we read that Mary ascended to heaven.

Declaring the RKK the foundation of the Gospel:
False: the Gospel, logically, is The Church, and thus the foundation of all the churches and not vice-versa.

Church doctrine being equal to Scripture:
False: scripture is from God and Church doctrine is from men. 

Supremacy of Priest over the laity:
False:  we are all one in Christ Jesus.

A ritual designed to devout a convert to the Catholic Church, prior to baptising the individual.
False: irrelevant Church nonsense taught to be essential, the church not clearly defining that this ritual is essential for the church organisation and not for salvation, because devotion to Jesus requires: faith, repentance, and baptism.

Transubstantiation: translating the metaphor “this in my body and this is my blood” literally, claiming that, after consumption, the bread and the wine become Jesus’ flesh and blood within our belly.
False:  nowhere are we told by Jesus that this is the case. Regurgitate or let a doctor extract the substances from your stomach a few hours after you have eaten and drunk the bread and wine, and see: bread and wine!

Repentance of Peter: a misnomer for the events where Apostle Peter thrice denied to know Jesus, just as Jesus predicted he’d do.
False:  these acts of Peter have nothing to do with repenting. Peter, like the other Apostles, repented just like you and I. After this ‘denial incident’, Peter was baptised with the Holy Ghost.

Divinely Inspired priest:
False: a false doctrine that ministers can be declared divinely inspired if they preach what people want to hear, instead of what the Gospel reads.  A thousand paedophiles have since been declared divinely inspired until they were exposed to u by the press!  We know that every Christian and every minister is divinely inspired, but, like Jesus tells us: you shall know them by their fruit.

Diplomas of men:
False: a false doctrine that ministers require some kind of diploma to teach, while it is clear that all one requires to preach the Gospel is knowledge of the Gospel and dedication. Which degree or diploma was held by the Apostles?  None! And none is required. God sends his ministers and only he ordains them to preach his word: inspiring them to preach the truth, telling them in advance that they shall be hated by all men.

Obedience trumps truth: to be found in their practices, such as their priesthood of men, etc.

Inquisition: worldwide persecution (murdering) by Roman Catholics.

Read more on the inquisition:
murder and death on the hands of the Pseudo-Catholic Church.
May get you some stunning Catholic explanations for their transgressions.

True History of The Catholic church

The Catholic Church are Not Who They Claim to Be

Works-based salvation:

Destructive: works cannot save you!

Misinterpretation of Faith:
Destructive: claiming that faith is literally believing that Jesus existed and that through this faith one shall be saved.

Denials of Jesus:
Destructive?: not believing what Jesus tells us, like the Calvinist who don’t believe Jesus speaks the truth when he states: where two or three gather in my name, there I shall be amid them. Remember: through faith ( believing the Gospel ) we are saved.

Divinely Inspired minister:
False: a false doctrine that ministers can be declared divinely inspired if they preach what people like to hear, instead of what the Gospel reads.  A thousand paedophiles have since been declared divinely inspired, until they were exposed to us by the press!  We know that every Christian and every minister of Christ is divinely inspired, but, like Jesus tells us: you shall know them by their fruit.  Diplomas of men:
False: a false doctrine that ministers require some kind of diploma to teach, while it is clear that all one requires to preach the Gospel is knowledge of the Gospel and dedication. Which degree or diploma was held by the Apostles?  None! And none is required. God sends his ministers and only he ordains them to preach his word: inspiring them to preach the truth.


True History of The Catholic church

The Catholic Church are Not Who They Claim to Be




Read Cliff's answers to selected Reviews.

...And The Gates Of Hell Shall Not Prevail Against It
Through the ages, Catholics and other Nicolaitans defied the above quotation by Jesus, 
oppressing and murdering many, deceiving and misleading many more.
But they have not and shall not prevail against
'His Church'.


Wycliffe Bible       Cliff's comments on The Nashville-Statement       Crimen Solicitationis        Autobiography of George Ferdinant Muller

Stealing The Keys To Heaven (PDF Book)        Silent Lambs        Bishop Accountability

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