FROM THE SUPREME AND HOLY CONGREGATION OF THE HOLY OFFICE FOR ALL PATRIARCHS, ARCHBISHOPS, BISHOPS AND OTHER DIOCESAN ORDINARIES“EVEN OF THE ORIENTAL RITE” ON THE MANNER OF PROCEEDING IN CASES OF SOLICITATION The Vatican Press, 1962 Let us pray God, of whom it is proper always to have mercy and to treat with forbearance, we suppliantly beseech you, that the compassion of your holiness absolve with clemency this servant of yours whom the shackle of excommunication binds. Through Christ, our Lord. Amen. Then, again sitting down, he should absolve the penitent still kneeling before him with these words: By the Apostolic authority which I exercise in this matter, I absolve you from the bond of excommunication, which you [perhaps] have incurred, and I restore you++31++to the holy sacraments of the church, to the communion and unity of the faithful, in the Name of the Father + the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen. With these acts, the one who has imparted the absolution should impose the salutary penances (for the most part [a penance] of reciting determined prayers, of performing some pious pilgrimage, of accomplishing other works of piety, of observing a particular fast, or of dispensing alms in pious causes, etc.), and finally, then, the formula of abjuration and he signs below in this way: [In the execution of the orders R.P.D. (the reverend superior) ( the name, etc. of the one delegating him)] the aforesaid (name, etc. , of the penitent) was administered by myself [the delegate] the abjuration concerning (e.g. formal or grave or light) …and the salutary penances in the usual form of the church, these on the day and year given above. So be it I (the signature of the person absolving the other) (The delegate will transmit the formula [evidently this means the document itself] directly to him from whom he has received his delegation together with the instruction, and other letters also received, if he has any, keeping nothing at all for himself]. ++32++
The … day of the month
of … in the year …
The signature of the ordinary of the place who is delegating (Formula E s connected to the letter).