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                      The Holy Christian Church                         


In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act. George Orwell
 What Pseudo-Christianity Won't Teach The Unread 

What is the Holy Christian Church?

What is the Holy Christian Church?

Cliff: It is the Spiritual Assembly of the Repented and baptised believers, having converted to Christianity, through faith, repentance and baptism and now members of the communion of Saints: ‘Christians’.



Here one attempts to make you believe that mere believers are the communion of Saints (havasulutherans): the doctrine of a commercial church aiming for members, for members =
donations and donations = Happy Living!

They say:
The Holy Christian Church is the Communion of Saints, that is, the fellowship of all those who truly believe in Jesus and confess Him by word and deed.

Cliff answers: WRONG!
Why wrong: because ‘Works’ (like ‘seemingly’ confessing Jesus, what many church paedophiles do and have done in the past) makes nobody a ‘Christian’. Nor does any pseudo-confessing and nor does any believe that Jesus is the son of God.  God only accepts a person as Christian when they truly repent and baptise in Jesus’ name: and indeed, they will only do this if they have faith: believe that Jesus IS the son of God and that they are sinful and must repent, and thus, indeed, repent and baptise in Jesus’ name.

The quote ‘Believing in Jesus’ is ambiguous and does not mean that believing that Jesus is the son of God makes you a Christian.

Believing in Jesus means
Repenting and Baptising, what you do through faith in his Gospel. Only now, after a successful baptism, the full truth shall be revealed to you, for you have now been reborn of the Holy Ghost, and only now you can truly confess him before men!

To support their fraudulent claim, they quote this verse to the fool, the laity and the unread:
Ephesians 2:19: So then you are no longer strangers and aliens, but you are fellow citizens with the saints and members of the household of God.

Cliff answers: WRONG!
Why wrong: the Gospel tells you that only once you are successfully baptised and are truly reborn of God, you become a member of the true ‘Christian Church’, hence
‘Christian’ and ‘Saint’.  Exactly what Eph 2:19 refers to.


ACT 2: 47 Praising God, and having favour with all the people. And the Lord added to the church daily such as should be saved. (Cliff: through baptism).

Read the full paragraph, as you always should attempt to when you read a quote/ref by any writer

And know you that: after a successful baptism, one is holy and incapable of sin. 
JO1 3: 9 Whosoever is born of God doth not commit sin; for his seed remaineth in him: and he cannot sin, because he is born of God.

Read Cliff's answers to selected Reviews.

...And The Gates Of Hell Shall Not Prevail Against It
Through the ages, Catholics and other Nicolaitans defied the above quotation by Jesus, 
oppressing and murdering many, deceiving and misleading many more.
But they have not and shall not prevail against
'His Church'.


Wycliffe Bible       Cliff's comments on The Nashville-Statement       Crimen Solicitationis        Autobiography of George Ferdinant Muller

Stealing The Keys To Heaven (PDF Book)        Silent Lambs        Bishop Accountability

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